Thursday, September 11, 2008

Finally Doing It!

Okay so I'm finally going to take my real estate salesperson exam next Friday. I should be nervous but so far I'm not, I'm more anxious! Anxious to take the test, ace it, apply for my license, receive it, get hired by a well known, top performing agency, excellent training, no desk fees and a high commission split and start kicking some hineys! I want to sell, sell, sell! Its not a sellers market right now, but it is a buyers market! Hopefully I can help a lot of nice family's get that home they've been dreaming of! And help some investors get great deals for when the market turns, and it will turn! We are actually looking for a steal ourselves to hold on to and rent out until things turn around.

I finished the first book I've read cover to cover in a LONG time last week. It was called, "Activate YOUR Passion, Create YOUR Career" by Madison Hildebrand (Million Dollar Listing on Bravo). It was so inspirational and such a great book! He even included a great marketing plan to help you get started and a template to create your own business plan because being in real estate sales is like having your own business. I am following his advice and the word "failure" I will refuse to define therefore I cannot! I have passion, to be succesful so I can stay home and raise our daughter without working a traditional job. The beautiful thing is I don't "need" this income, I WANT this. I think that will help fuel my passion and help me to succeed!

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